Have you ever thought about the lyrics of our worship songs from the perspective of a teenager or someone who is not familiar with the Bible? They frequently use Christian jargon or make biblical references that many students don’t understand… “the Lion of Judah”, “the God of Jacob”.
Our students learned about Jacob. Wow, some students thought they had a complicated family life, but it’s nothing like Jacob’s! God faithfully honored his promise to bless Jacob. We also learned how the lion of Judah is a reference that goes all the way back to the 12 tribes of Israel. Rev. 5:5 “Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep. See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered,…” Teenagers are so smart and hungry for the Word of God. The challenge is to help them understand it in a context that makes sense and a way that is applicable for their life.
Switch youth helped present the gospel message at the Easter Eggstravaganza. A group of teens presented a skit called ‘The Sin Chair’ and another teen helped present an object lesson of how Jesus came to defeat sin and makes us pure. Thank you Henry Schaal, Clara Schaal, Anna Schaal, Jeremiah Froelich, Shane Kaeder, Ryley Kurtz, Khloe Kurtz, Juan Sanchez and Grace Simpson. We have an amazing group of talented students!
Upcoming Events:
Blizzard Game & Concert: May 13th
Senior recognition: May 21st (during service)
Noah’s Ark trip: June 16th