Hillside Assembly will be sponsoring our free annual Wild Game Banquet on Saturday, January 25, 2025 at Oconto Falls High School (210 N Farm Road, Oconto Falls, WI). Be sure to come early and bring your favorite dish to the Wild Game Potluck Dinner at 5:30 p.m. with the featured seminar speaker, Dean Hulce from God’s Great Outdoors” at 6:30 p.m. The doors open at 4 p.m.
When you arrive at 4 p.m. you can tour the gym and see the display of replicas of huge white tail deer. This amazing display of world-class trophy whitetail deer presents a unique display for you to see the most incredible trophies ever taken. This year Western Mounts including grizzly bear and white tails will be featured.
Again this year there will be a Youth Nerf Gun Range from 4—5:30 p.m. At 5:30 p.m. we will have a Wild Game Potluck Dinner. Then at 6:30 p.m. we will hear from our featured speaker, Dean Hulce. Dean is a lifetime hunter, he has spent 35 years as a guide in Kodiak Island, Alaska, coastal Florida, Colorado and Texas. He is a writer for national and regional magazines and newspapers, daily devotional, appeared on hunting and outdoor television programs, videos and podcasts.
Donation raffle prizes will be available again this year. High Level Prizes are: Winchester Model 70 Featherweight 300WSM, Smith & Wesson M & P .45 Semi-Automatic, Savage Axis XP 6.54 Creedmoor with scope and TenPoint Black Hawk XT Crossbow Package. Low Level Prizes are: Vexilar GP0891-FL Sonar, 1/2 Hog Package From Meatski’s, (1) Doe Hunt @ Butler Rock Ranch, Strike Master 8” Lithium Ice Auger, Quilt made by Hillside Quilters, Tactacam 2 Camera Package.
Remember to bring in any buck or bull for scoring and a can good for the local food pantry. For more information you may call the church office at 920-855-2962
Dean will be also speaking at Hillside Assembly on Sunday, January 26th during the 10 a.m. service.
The Wild Game Banquet and special service are both free to attend. You can call the church for more information at 920-855-2962. The church is located on the west side of Gillett at 5890 Hwy 22 West.